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Wings and Swappers


NameAppearanceBuffObtainable From
Angel WingsDamage in PvE is increased by 3%.No longer obtainable
Demon WingsDamage in PvE is increased by 3%.No longer obtainable
Fire WingsDamage in PvE is increased by 5%.
All element energies are increased by 30.
Daily Reward Box
Ice WingsDamage in PvE is increased by 5%.
All element energies are increased by 30.
Daily Reward Box
Eagle WingsOn attack, there is 5% chance of receiving [Blessing of the golden Eagle Wings.]
When attacking, there is a 20% chance of summoning a shadow clone to carry out an additional attack.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
Blessing of the Golden Eagle Wings
Movement speed is increased by 2.
There is a 100% chance that every attack hits.
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 5.
- Void Shop
- Trophy Exchanger
Titan WingsAll attacks are increased by 30.
All defence powers are increased by 30.
No longer obtainable
Archangel WingsIncreases damage against players of the Demon faction by 10%.
When attacking, there is a 5% chance of summoning a shadow clone to carry out an additional attack.
Up to level 4 there is a 5% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
Craftable in PTS Craft in P4
Archdemon WingsIncreases damage against players of the Angel faction by 10%.
When attacking, there is a 5% chance of summoning a shadow clone to carry out an additional attack.
Up to level 4 there is a 5% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
Craftable in PTS Craft in P4
Blazing Fire WingsExperience gain is increased by 20%.
Increases champion experience received by 15%.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
All attacks are increased by 5%.
Damage in Raids is increased by 5%.
Craftable in PTS Craft in P4
Frosty Ice WingsReduces the enmy's water resistance by 10.
Reduces the enemy's shadow resistance by 10.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
All attacks are increased by 5%.
Damage in Raids is increased by 5%.
Craftable in PTS Craft in P4
Golden WingsIncreases Gold earned by 5%.
All element energies are increased by 30.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
When a hunted monster drops an item, there's a 3% chance that it drops the item a second time. This effect is only triggered when the dropped item is assigned to the player, not when it is shared in the group.
Craftable in Prestige 2 Rewards NPC
Onyx WingsWhen attacking, there is a 20% chance of summoning a shadow clone to carry out an additionalattack.
Movement speed is increased by 1. Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 10.
Has a 7% probability of causing [Onyx Demon].
Onyx Demon
Attack powers are increased by 15% in Act4.
Up to level 4 there is a 8% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
- Craftable at Useful Stuff in Alveus
- Void Shop
Fairy WingsProvides a 7% chance to reset the cooldown of the attack skill used.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
- Craftable at Instant Combat Coupon in NosVille
- Craftable at P4 20-50Lv Fish Craft NPC in Fish Market Area.
Mega Titan WingsAll attacks are increased by 50.
All defence powers are increased by 50.
[Titan Transformation] occurs, in releasing at the probability of 20%.
Titan Transformation
Never receives critical hits.
Reflects the maximum received damage from 9900(Player Level*100)
Movement speed is increased by 2.
No longer obtainable
Zephyr WingsProvides a 40% chance of firing a magical arrow when you use magic or ranged attack skills.
On attack, you reduce 15 amount of elemental resistance in Raid.
Damage in Raids is increased by 5%.
Has a 7% probability of causing [Zephyr Breeze]
Zephyr Breeze
All elemental energies are increased by 100.
Increased the equipped Fairy's element by 15.
Movement speed is increased by 2.
- Craftable at Instant Combat Coupon in NosVille
- Void Shop
Lightning WingsProvides a 40% chance of firing a magical arrow when you use magic or ranged attack skills.
When you're defending, there is a 5% chance of inflicting [Lightning Shield] on your opponent.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
Up to level 4 there is a 10%
chance of never getting a bad effect.
Lightning Shield
Incoming damage is reduced by 10%.
- Rainbow Battle Exchange (Intro)
- Daily Reward Boxes
- Void shop
Blade WingsOn attack, there is a 10% chance of receiving [Shield of Blades].
Movement speed is increased by 1.
Shield of Blades
Enemy's HP is decreased by 20% of the damage I have received.
All attacks are increased by 10%.
Caligor Boxes
Void Shop
Crystal WingsWhen attacking, there is 20% chance of summoning a shadow clone to carry out an additional attack.
Up to level 4 there is 10% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
All attacks are increased by 10%.
Craftable at Useful Stuff in Alveus
Petal WingsOn attack, there is 10% chance of inflicing [Petal Poison] on your opponent.
Up to level 4 there is a 10% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
All attacks are increased by 10%.
Petal Poison
Every 2 seconds:HP is reduced by 594(Player level *6)
Damage taken from all attacks is increased by 10%.
- Craftable in Hardcore Rewards NPC in P4
- Void Shop
LunarOn attack, there is 10% chance of receiving [Lunar Power]
Movement speed is increased by 1.
Up to level 4 there is a 10% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Lunar Power
Attack powers are increased by 25% in Act4
Movement speed is increased by 2.
Up to level 4 there is 10% chance of never getting a bad effect.
- Asgobas Lottery Box
- Void Shop
Retro WingsOn attack, there is 10% chance of receiving [Energy Boost].
Up to level 4 there is 10% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 15.
Energy Boost
All attacks are increased by 15%.
Reduces cooldown of skills by 10%.
Increases the equipped fairy's element by 15.
Damage in Raids is increased by 10%.
Strong Energy Boost
All attacks are increased by 25%.
Reduces cooldwon of skills by 10%.
The attack range is increased by 1.
Increases the equipped fairy's element by 15.
Damage in Raids is increased by 10%.
Craftable at Useful Stuff in Alveus
Steampunk On attack, there's a 8% chance of inflicting [Rusty Gears] on your opponent.
On attack, there's a 10% chance of receiving [Like Clockwork!].
Movement Speed is increased by 1.
All attacks are increased by 10%.
Up to level 4 there is a 10% chance of never getting a bad effect. Rusty Gears
All attacks are reduced by 5%.
Defence power is reduced by 25%
All elemental resistances are decreased by 5. Like Clockwork!
Increases the equipped fairy's element by 20.
Provides a 10% chance to reset the cooldown of the attack skill used.
All defence powers are increased by 20.
Craftable at Wings Coupon in Alveus
Tree WingsOn attack, there is a 8% chance of inflicing [Mother Nature's Curse] on your opponent.
On attack, there is a 5% chance of receiving [Mother Nature's Branch]
Movement speed in increased by 1.
All attacks are increased by 10%
Up to level 4 there is 10% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Mother Nature's Curse
All elemental resistances are decreased by 5.
Defence power is reduced by 25%.
Mother Nature's Branch
Increases the equipped fairy's element by 20.
All defence powers are increased by 20.
Craftable at Wings Coupon in Alveus
Infinity WingsAll attacks are increased by 20% in Infinity Tower
Up to level 4 there is a 10% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Reduces cooldown of Skills by 10%
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 15.
Increases the equipped fairy's element by 10.
Craftable at Infinity Rewards NPC in P5
Mecha Flame WingsProvides a 50% chance of firing a magical arrow when you use magic or ranged attack skill.
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 15.
When a hunted monster drops an item, there's a 7% chance that it drops the item a second time. This effect is only triggered when the dropped item is assigned to the player, not when it is shared in the group.
On attack, there is a 15% chance of receiving [Mecha Flames].
On attack, there is a 20% chance of receiving [Flame Overclock].
Mecha Flames
All attacks are increased by 25%.
Reduces cooldown of skills by 10%.
Increases the equipped fairy's element by 15.
Damage in PvE is increased 15%.
Flame Overclock
Movement speed is increased by 2.
All element energies are increased by 200.
Damage in PvE is increased by 5%.
The attack range is increased by 1.
Craftable at Wings Coupon in Alveus
Festive Tree WingsAttack powers are increased by 20% in Act4.
On attack, there is a 10% chance of receiving [Warm Christmas].
Movement speed is increased by 1.
Up to level 4 there is a 10% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Warm Christmas
All defences are increased by 20% in Act4.
Upon getting hit, removes one random debuff up to level 4 for each attack with a 10% chance in Act4.
Craftable at Wings Coupon in Alveus


NameAppearanceObtainable From
White PinkNosVoid Shop and sometimes from Card Game
DarkNosVoid Shop and sometimes from Card Game
Green WhiteNosVoid Shop and sometimes from Card Game
ButterflyNosVoid Shop
DeathNosVoid Shop and Halloween Event Craft
EternityNosVoid PvP Tournament Reward
OceanNosVoid Shop
PorcelainNosVoid Shop and sometimes from Battle Pass
White AngelNosVoid Shop
RoseSummer Event
Death FireHalloween Event
SpookyHalloween Event
Christmas TreeNosVoid Shop (Only during Xmas) and Xmas Event
Santa's BattleNosVoid Shop (Only during Xmas) and Xmas Event
Dragon LunarNosVoid Shop and Chinese New Year Event
GalaxyNosVoid Shop
Valentine'sNosVoid Shop and Valentine's Event
InfinitySpecial Reward for Infinity Ranking Winners
AuctionSpecial Wings of Player HateIsLove
PvP TournamentNosVoid PvP Tournament Reward
PvE TournamentNosVoid PvE Tournament Reward
Legend ForeverNosVoid Reputation Reset Reward
Red DragonNosVoid Shop
Grey DragonNosVoid Shop
Pink DragonNosVoid Shop
Yellow DragonNosVoid Shop
Green DragonNosVoid Shop
Purple DragonNosVoid Shop
Blue DragonNosVoid Shop
Turquoise DragonNosVoid Shop
Auction 2Special Wings of Player Lu
DinosaurCraftable in P6, Dino Biome
Galaxy ButterflyNosVoid Shop
Eyed AngelNosVoid Shop
Fallen AngelNosVoid Shop
WyvernCraftable in P6, Ice Biome
LavaCraftable in P6, Lava Biome
StarCraftable in P6, Star Biome
SkyCraftable in P6, Sky Biome
WolfNosVoid Shop
Purple MechaCraftable at Wings Coupon in Alveus
Blue MechaCraftable at Wings Coupon in Alveus
Yellow MechaCraftable at Wings Coupon in Alveus
Black MechaCraftable at Wings Coupon in Alveus
Red MechaCraftable at Wings Coupon in Alveus
Turquoise MechaCraftable at Wings Coupon in Alveus
Green MechaCraftable at Wings Coupon in Alveus
PhoenixCraftable at Event NPC in NosVille and PvP Rewards Map in Alveus
Blue PhoenixCraftable at Event NPC in NosVille and PvP Rewards Map in Alveus
MercyCraftable at Event NPC in NosVille and PvP Rewards Map in Alveus
Angel's SoulCraftable at Act4 NPC in Alveus
CaligorCraftable at Act4 NPC in Alveus
Dark NeonNosVoid Shop
Demon's SoulCraftable at Act4 NPC in Alveus
PeonyNosVoid Shop
Shadow PumpkinNosVoid Shop only during Halloween
Pumpkin PhantomNosVoid Shop only during Halloween
NightmareNosVoid Shop
Aurora BorealisCraftable at World Boss Guardian in Alveus
NecromancerCraftable at World Boss Guardian in Alveus
Frozen ValehirNosVoid Shop
RobotNosVoid Shop
Frozen KingCraftable at World Boss Guardian in Alveus
ToxicNosVoid Shop
ShadowNosVoid Shop
FlameNosVoid Shop
FestiveNosVoid Shop during Xmas Event
Flaming DesireObtainable from Fighter's Box in Trophy Exchanger NPC
Battle QueenObtainable from Fighter's Box in Trophy Exchanger NP
Will of TundraObtainable from Fighter's Box in Trophy Exchanger NP
Eternal1v1 Rankeds Reward